Producer Fired!
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Last week Clearchannel radio KFYI Phoenix interviewed Iman Omar (Spokesman for the 6 Imans on a plane, defender of Osama bin Laden)of the East Valley Mosque. After Omar was given the opportunity to spew his propaganda regarding American and Islam, KFYI producer Kate O'Neill brought in Islamic expert Mohammed Saeed to set the record straight. Saeed refuted every detail of the Imam's version of Islam and opined that The Jordanian clerics were out to embarrass the American people by claiming to be "Victims" of racial profiling.So much for an open dialogue with Muslims!
The KFYI phones lit up as Arizonans called in the show to voice their views on the matter. "Get out of our country" was the prevalent view expressed by the outraged citizenry.
The controversy over the interview continued all week as KFYI programs were inundated with phone calls from angry citizens. KFYI should have been extremely pleased with the response. Unfortunately the testosterone-challenged management at the station responded to the success of the interview by having a program director on hand during producer Kate O'Neil's shows.....ready to the pull the plug instantly if O'Neill dared to court further controversy by confronting the issue of the Jihad in America.
On Friday December 1st, the KFYI management fired outspoken Kate O'Neill.
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