Must See Video- Dispatches: Undercover Mosque The Ultimate Insult: March 2007

The Ultimate Insult

Trying to discover just exactly what the "ultimate insult" to Islam really is.

o  Muslims committed the huge blunder of revealing their vulnerability [cartoon flap]. Now the world knows what hurts them. When you find your opponent’s weak spot, it is exactly where you want to hit him… If Islam is ridiculed publicly and systematically, it will be defeated.  

o  Muslim psychology…is all pomposity and bravado. I give you my word that if Islam is ridiculed publicly and systematically, it will be defeated. Shame is a great motivator as well as deterrent. Do not underestimate the power of ridicule. This is serious stuff not a laughing matter…  

o  How much ridicule is enough? Until it hurts. The pain of shame must become bigger than the comfort of clinging to this false fetish. When you see their eyes are popping out of their eyeballs, their veins bulging in their necks, foam forming at their mouths, and they are ready to explode, you know that the remedy is working. Give them more. They will either die of heart attacks or they will come to their senses and recover from this insanity.  

o  Every one of us must become a cyberwarrior and mock Muhammad, Islam and the Muslims. Use your talent. Draw cartoons based on the hadith and the Quran. You can find tons of ridiculous stuff in these books to lampoon. Write articles, lyrics, jokes, plays, do whatever you can to ridicule Muhammad the prophet pretender and Muslims. Don’t heed to their howls and cries.  


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

HR 1640 Passed The House

Now, for some news which is bound to rile up CAIR.

Excerpt from the March 27, 2007 Washington Times:

House Republicans tonight surprised Democrats with a procedural vote to protect public-transportation passengers from being sued if they report suspicious activity -- the first step by lawmakers to protect "John Doe" airline travelers already targeted in such a lawsuit.

After a heated debate and calls for order, the motion to recommit the Democrats' Rail and Public Transportation Security Act of 2007 back to committee with instructions to add the protective language passed on a vote of 304-121.

Check out the roll-call vote and other updates at The Jawa Report.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Emails In Response To Insulting Islam

Both LionHeart and I received the following emails, quoted word-for-word, from

You need to listen to this very carefully! In order to stay in this
violent, wicked, devilish, country like this you need to remove this blog,
remove the information you put on.

You are embarrassing you self and the public of my and your Country.
Statements like these will cause hatred and the hatred that we really don't
want anywhere in this world. Mine and your job is to create unity in this
world not to make it more violent.

Stop your foolishness and live like a human rather than an animal. I, my
self studied Islam is a peaceful religion, it shows you to go on the right
path. Investigate it and (if God Willing) it will head you on the right way,
now I値l state here a link ( ) where you can investigate and learn more
about Islam and Christianity, this link will take you to the website where
you can watch videos of the Christians converts that explains everything you
need to understand.
Unlock your ignorance of this beautiful faith, end-of-day it is your
decision but we are all human beings and you should not make a statements
like this again in the future it is not right to discriminate anyone no one
is perfect. Live your life in peace people who are creating conflicts will
never succeed and God will curse them you must know that.

Thank You for your attention.


promise me not to encourage such an idea, think about your own family.
please download the three last videos i.e

Purpose of life part 1 - khalid yaasin here....

Purpose of life part 2 - khalid yaasin here....

Purpose of life part 3 - khalid yaasin here....
At WC's suggestion, I invited "ultimate orgnization" to call into The Gathering Storm Radio Show. No such call arrived.

I'm not sure, but I suspect my comment to this article by LionHeart is what prompted "ultimate organization" to send me the above emails. Those interested might want to take a look at that lengthy essay by LionHeart UK.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lawyers And Representatives Defy CAIR

Eavesdropper over at Maverick News Media has posted a list from Power Line Blog. These attorneys are pro bono and are offering to defend the "John Doe" passengers in the Six-Flying-Imams case.

That's not all!

Check out HR 1640 (Protecting Americans Fighting Terrorism Act), pdf file and introduced as follows by Representative Pearce of New Mexico:

It is a sad day in America when our own institutions of freedom are being used against us in the battle against terrorism. When I first heard about the lawsuit brought by the 'imams' in Minnesota, it was clear to me that this was an injustice against Americans who were simply trying to protect themselves. These brave citizens should be recognized as heroes for their efforts to report suspicious activity, particularly activity that has been associated with previous terror attacks.

As Americans, we must not allow ourselves to be bullied by individuals who seek to disrupt our way of life. We can not allow the sympathizers of terrorism to make Americans wonder if they could be sued before reporting possible terrorist activity. Whether it is an intimidation tactic or a full scale attack, Americans have the right and responsibility to protect themselves and their fellow citizens. I introduced this legislation to protect Americans... as they serve on the front line in our battle against terrorism here in America.
The following House Representatives are co-sponsors: Rep. Bill Shuster (PA-9), Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-1), Rep. John Kline(MN-2), Rep. Geoff Davis (KY-4), Rep. Frank Wolf (VA-10), Rep. Trent Franks (AZ-2), Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (GA-3), Rep. Dan Burton (IN-05), Rep. Thad McCotter (MI-11), and Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (CA-25).

What will Keith Ellison have to say about HR 1640?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Hamas orders ban on folk-tale book

Would you believe - there's actually a collection of "palestinian" folk tales. That aside, the Hamas has now ordered this collection be banned, because:
The Hamas-run Palestinian Authority Education Ministry has ordered an anthology of Palestinian folk tales to be pulled from school libraries and destroyed because of sexually explicit language, officials said Monday, in what critics charged was the most direct attempt by the Islamic militants to impose their beliefs on Palestinian society.

The book ban angered and worried many Palestinians, who long feared that Hamas would use its victory in last year's parliamentary election to remake the Palestinian territories according to its hard-line interpretation of Islam.

The 400-page anthology of folk tales narrated by Palestinian women was first published in English in 1989 by the University of California at Berkeley. It was put together by Sharif Kanaana, a novelist and anthropology professor at the West Bank's Bir Zeit University, and by Ibrahim Muhawi, a teacher of Arabic literature and the theory of translation.

Kanaana said he believes "The Little Bird," a tale in a chapter titled "Sexual awakening and courtship," was one of the reasons the book was banned because it mentions private parts. In their notes, the authors explain that the bird in the story is a symbol of femininity adding that the use of sexual subjects in Palestinian folklore is a principal source of humor.

West Bank novelist Zakariya Mohammed said he feared Hamas' decision to ban "Speak Bird, Speak Again," a collection of 45 folk tales, was only the beginning and urged intellectuals to take action. "If we don't stand up to the Islamists now, they won't stop confiscating books, songs and folklore," he said.
He could be of a Christian background, and if that's what he said, I guess we'll have to congratulate him for having the guts to say what must be done: stand up to the Islamists.

However, let us be clear that "palestinian folklore" itself is just an absurd contrivance - since the whole name was a Roman concoction - and little else.